The Poor Spot of Ground

 Sometimes we question the life and the lot that we have been given. With all the challenges, shortcomings, and burdens that we have, how will we ever reach our full potential? This following poem reminds us that God has planted each of us at different places for different reasons. We may feel like we have been given a "poor spot of ground" that has made it almost impossible to grow because of all the trials and hardships we have had to endure. But remember, God knows our needs and will help us to grow if we trust in him. If he's planted us, we'll grow, no matter how poor the ground!

No place in the vineyard had ever been found
To be a poorer spot of ground;
They questioned the gardener, he said, "Counsel me not.
Great be the fruits, that will come from this spot."
He put a seed there and soon it found roots,
It grew heavenward with green tender shoots,
The limbs and branches he tenderly nourished,
Til long at last with fruit they flourished.
And no place in the vineyard had ever been found,
Better fruit than what came from that poor spot of ground.

The lesson learned here we can all understand,
We should not question, The Great Gardener's hand.
If He placed you somewhere, be still & know,
He's the Lord of the vineyard, and He'll help you to grow.
Don’t let trials or circumstance ever impede,
The truth that you come from Heavenly seed.
God will nourish your soul, He'll strengthen your roots,
And  one day you will marvel at your bounty of fruits.
When that day comes, and with joys you abound,
Remember, if God plants it, He'll grow it, 
No matter how poor the ground. 
-R.M. Hawks 

(Copyright 2010)

What challenges have you faced? What trials have you endured? What fruits has the Lord blessed you with in spite of those challenges? Please comment below!

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